About Honeybee
For over 4 generations, our family-owned apiary has been traveling this country with our precious honeybees, transporting them on semi-trucks to pollinate the nation's agricultural crops. Through our tireless efforts and deep-rooted connections with farmers spanning over four decades, this family-run operation has cultivated some of the rarest and most sought-after honeys in the world. By working hand-in-hand with our farming partners, we are able to ensure the purity and quality of our raw, unprocessed honey, harvested straight from our own hives and delivered directly to your home. This allows us to maintain complete control over every step of the honey production process, from the buzzing of the honeybees in their remote apiaries to the sweet, golden nectar filling jars on store shelves. Our unwavering commitment to sustainable, ethical beekeeping practices and the longstanding relationships we’ve built with farmers have not only safeguarded the health of their hives, but also the vitality of the broader agricultural ecosystem that depends on the pollination services our busy bees provide.

Who we are?
The beekeeping legacy began with the my grandfathers in the early 1950s in Pacific Beach, California, starting with a small number of beehives and gradually expanding through local swarm collection. The operation later relocated to east San Diego and expanded to farms in Central California and Colorado. Utilizing semi trucks, we transport honeybees nationwide to pollinate various crops, enhancing agricultural productivity by accessing abundant pollen and nectar filled fields. Over four decades, this collaboration with farmers has resulted in the creation of rare and unique honeys, all produced without heating or mixing, thereby preserving the distinct floral origins of the raw honey. Each jar of pure raw honey is sourced directly from our hives to your home. With a commitment to quality and sustainability, a portion of sales is reinvested back into the apiary to support healthy honeybee conservation. Thank you all for supporting our family apiary!